2010年4月6日 星期二

April 03, 2010 100 Simple, Low-Cost Ways to Be More Creative on the Job

1. Ask the most creative people at work for their ideas.
2. Brainstorm daily with a co-worker.
3. Tape record your ideas on your commute to and from work.
4. Present your challenge to a child.
5. Take your team off-site for a day.

6. Listen to your inner muse.
7. Play music in your office.
8. Go for a daily brainstorming walk.
9. Ask someone to collaborate with you on your favorite project.
10. Exercise during your lunch break.

11. Turn on a radio at random times and listen for a "message."
12. Invite your customers to brainstorming sessions.
13. Think of three other ways to define your challenge.
14. Remember your dreams.
15. Reward yourself, in specific ways, for small successes.

