2010年10月30日 星期六

The influence of creative process engagement on employee creative performance and overall job performance: a curvilinear assessment.

J Appl Psychol. 2010 Sep;95(5):862-73.

Zhang X, Bartol KM.

Kogod School of Business, American University.


Integrating theories addressing attention and activation with creativity literature, we found an inverted U-shaped relationship between creative process engagement and overall job performance among professionals in complex jobs in an information technology firm. Work experience moderated the curvilinear relationship, with low-experience employees generally exhibiting higher levels of overall job performance at low to moderate levels of creative process engagement and high-experience employees demonstrating higher overall performance at moderate to high levels of creative process engagement. Creative performance partially mediated the relationship between creative process engagement and job performance. These relationships were tested within a moderated mediation framework.

Creative self-efficacy development and creative performance over time.

J Appl Psychol. 2010 Oct 18. [Epub ahead of print]

Tierney P, Farmer SM.


Building from an established framework of self-efficacy development, this study provides a longitudinal examination of the development of creative self-efficacy in an ongoing work context. Results show that increases in employee creative role identity and perceived creative expectation from supervisors over a 6-month time period were associated with enhanced sense of employee capacity for creative work. Contrary to what was expected, employees who experienced increased requirements for creativity in their jobs actually reported a decreased sense of efficaciousness for creative work. Results show that increases in creative self-efficacy corresponded with increases in creative performance as well.

Drama and Possibility Thinking–Taiwanese pupils’ perspectives regarding creative pedagogy in drama

Yu-sien Lin

from: Thinking Skills and Creativity

The aim of the study was to examine how drama fosters children's everyday creativity, its relationship with creative pedagogy, and what teachers can provide for children's development in creativity in an Asian context. A series of drama lessons were designed and taught to two six-grade (11-12 years old) classes by involving pedagogical strategies that foster qualities of possibility thinking. The pupils’ accounts concerning the drama lessons and the pedagogy used in drama were collected through diaries, response sheets, and group interviews.

The findings show that the pupils considered drama useful in developing certain creative abilities and qualities, such as imagination, independent thinking, and risk-taking. The pupils indicated the strategies used in drama which made the development possible, including task-oriented, collaborative learning, and the teacher's guidance and ethos. The pupils also identified five features regarding creative teaching in drama, namely playfulness, innovation, flexibility, space, and in-depth learning. Although most of the pupils conveyed their enjoyment of the lessons, many of them found the way of learning through drama difficult, and commented that the strategies used and the ethos behind drama may result in the teacher losing authority, which they depend on to a large extent. Based on these findings, the possible tensions of fostering possibility thinking is discussed, and implications are proposed for Taiwanese as well as other Asian teachers for promoting creativity through creative pedagogy.

2010年10月29日 星期五


作者:駐澳大利亞科技組 現職:駐澳大利亞科技組
文章來源:The Australian 2010年10月5日

一項長達25年(1984-2008)針對超過6萬名德國人所進行的心理學研究指出,「快樂」感覺源自於個人對如何生活的選擇,而健康的生活型態、長期目 標、信念、工時、社會夥伴、伴侶的人格是影響快樂與否的主要因素,此研究不支持學界過去所認為的基因與童年人格形成過程因素。研究報告作者之一的澳洲墨爾 本大學Bruce Headey教授表示,澳洲過去研究也與此研究有類似結論。目前相關報告已發表於《美國國家科學院院刊(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS)》。

美 10 大創新公司 高通奪冠

作者:駐休士頓科技組 現職:駐休士頓科技組


財 經新聞網站24/7 Wall St.依據聯合國世界智慧財產權組織(WIPO)的資料,選出專利申請件數前50高的公司,再依據2009至2010年間的研發支出的規模和年增幅排行。 企業的銷售成長、業界地位、股價和財務表現與過去兩年的研發支出變化,也在評比範圍內。

奪冠的高通主要製造手持裝置晶片,製造和研發都 是業界翹楚,去年申請1280件專利,但業外知名度較低。高通曾與客戶諾基亞(Nokia)和勁敵博通(Broadcom)大打專利權,去年即使面臨金融 危機高潮,仍大幅提高研發支出,企圖心十足。微軟排名居次。微軟的產品和服務多元,科技預算在同業間名列前茅,去年大舉投資研發。第三名為寶僑 (P&G),去年減少的研發支出不到10%,申請的專利多為香氛或家庭及個人照護用品的成份或化合物。


排 名第六為全球最大科技公司惠普(HP)。排名第七的杜邦(DuPont)產品廣布包裝、印刷、生化與工程,很可能是全球各產業別中範圍最廣的企業,去年研 發支出持平。油田服務業者貝克休斯(Baker Hughes)排名第八,專利主要在蒐集、分配油井資料技術,與控管鑽油井的影像技術和相關軟硬體。全球最大集團奇異公司(GE)和最大液晶顯示器玻璃基 板製造商康寧公司(Corning),分別拿下第九和第十。奇異最近為風力、微波、能源交換和奈米技術申請專利;康寧則申請太陽能轉換器和可用於微型投影 機的綠色雷射(GreenLaser)等專利。

2010年10月3日 星期日

Members’ Openness to Experience and Teams’ Creative Performance

Small Group Research first published on August 18, 2010

by Marieke Catharine Schilpzand, David M. Herold & Christina E. Shalley


Team composition based on personality has been found to have important effects on team outcomes. However, little is still known about the effect of team personality composition on team creativity. To this end, this study examined the relationship of team members’ openness to experience and team creativity. Results from a study with 31 graduate student teams suggest that openness to experience is significantly related to team creativity. Furthermore, teams that are diverse on openness to experience have the highest levels of team creativity, as long as they have some team members that are low on openness and others that have a moderate level of openness to experience.