2015年4月21日 星期二

復仇者盔甲下的祕密,Under Armour 特製高科技機能緊身衣

不說大家可能未必知道,復仇者聯盟的演員們其實靠著一樣祕密武器,支撐他們在長時間穿著厚重盔甲和裝備下,應付大量武打動作。據國外科技網站《GIZMODO》報導,漫威(Marvel)與美國功能性運動品牌 Under Armour 合作,為復仇者聯盟量身訂製祕密武器──高科技機能緊身衣,兼具保護力與舒適度。


2015年4月11日 星期六


各項對全球經濟有影響力的新科技與新發明,大多是由國家資助所進行的基礎研究。同時,這些物理科學、數學,以及工程領域等重要的基礎研究,實際上就是一個發明平台,可作為其他創新發明的組成元件。以i pod為例,他整合了多項基礎研究的科技發明(如訊息處理、儲存、顯示、儲電等),而這些基礎研究都是獲得國家重要研究機構所資助。

參考文獻:Office of Science and technology Policy (2006). American competitiveness initiative. Washington, DC: Domestic Policy Council.

2015年3月23日 星期一

Creativity.4in1: Four-Criterion Construct of Creativity

這篇文章延伸人們慣用的創造力定義(新穎和有用的觀點)為四個概念:新穎(novelty),實用(utility), 美的哲學(aesthetics),以及真誠(authenticity:作品表達了創作者的內心世界和對世界的看法)。不妨試試看用這四個構面理解一個作品的創造力。


Kharkhurin, A. V. (2014). Creativity. 4in1: Four-Criterion Construct of Creativity.Creativity Research Journal, 26(3), 338-352.

The purpose of this theoretical article is to provide an extended definition of creativity that embraces potential cross-cultural variations in this construct. Creativity is defined as a 4-criterion construct, which includes attributes of novelty, utility, aesthetics, and authenticity. Novelty attribute stipulates that a creative work brings something new into being, which presents a new conceptual framework and/or modifies or violates an existing one. Utility attribute stipulates that a creative work is what a producer or a recipient considers creative, what represents an important landmark in spiritual, cultural, social, and/or political environment, and what addresses moral issues. The aesthetics attribute stipulates that a creative work presents the fundamental truth of nature, which is reflected in a perfect order, efficiently presents the essence of the phenomenal reality, and is satisfactorily complex, expressing both tension and intrinsic contradiction. Authenticity attribute stipulates that a creative work expresses an individual's inner self and relates one's own values and believes to the world. These attributes establish a comparison matrix, which can be used to evaluate and compare the levels of creativity of works from different areas of human endeavor.