2013年3月12日 星期二


正向心理學已是一個獨立的學門且有專門以研究正向心理學為主的社群。在美國管理學會OB領域中,就包含了正向心理學的TRACK,美國心理學會(APA)第17分會(division 17)也是以研究正向心理學為主。

目前有三本與正向心理學相關的期刊,包括:Journal of Happiness StudiesJournal of Positive Psychology,以及Psychology of Well-Being,前兩本期刊已被收錄於SSCI資料庫。在 2010年,「journal Journal of Happiness Studies」的 Impact Factor是2.104,在心理學120本期刊中排名第20。

2013年3月11日 星期一

What’s The Roadmap For Innovation In China?

China’s Four Great Inventions--papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing--were innovations from bygone eras. When looking at China’s history over the past 50 years, it’s very difficult to find a single innovation that has made a significant impact on the world. Instead, the “Chinese version of something Western” phenomenon has characterized much of China’s recent product launches. For example, Taobao.com is essentially the Chinese version of eBay, and Youku.com is the Chinese version of YouTube.
Whether China can shed its copycat reputation and become a source of global innovation has become a constant source of debate. While the country’s economy has been growing at an astonishing rate, with an increasingly sophisticated domestic market, the country’s highly centralized government and weak intellectual property system have severely hampered China’s standing as a global innovator. It may be too simplistic to assume that the notion of innovation is understood, standardized, and commonly defined across the world. China is considered the world’s largest developing market, displaying characteristics of other emerging markets as well as its own wholly unique notions of success. The simple concept of innovation is very nuanced in China and can be deeply understood only by listening to Chinese consumers and analyzing what has and hasn’t worked in the marketplace thus far.
More about this topic please visit Fastcodesign.com

China, America, and Copycat Economics

by Rob Wheeler  |   9:14 AM August 23, 2011

In the second quarter of 2011, China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth slowed to 9.5%. That was down from 9.7% in the previous quarter and from its blistering 11.9% pace in the first quarter of 2010. From the vantage point of many in the United States, where optimistic estimates of GDP growth continue to be cut and now hover around 2%, it seems that the Chinese "problem" is a nice one to have.
In the same vein, from my perch in the classrooms of Harvard Business School during the past two years, I listened to the world's future business leaders talk about how China has nailed it and why, if we want a future as bright as our past, America needs to follow suit. I heard people from all over the world arguing that the US government needs to grab the bull by horns, insert itself much more aggressively in economic planning, and start directing American economic resources to "new growth industries" such as clean energy, high-tech manufacturing, or advanced healthcare solutions. Otherwise, their foreboding comments always ended, we will be left behind.
More about this topic please visit HBR Blog

To explore copying as an innovation strategy, designers look to China

Imagine tweaking the old saying “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” to “imitation is a sincere form of innovation.”
This is the attitude behind a set of 26 new objects created by the witty Dutch design collective Droog. Each of the objects, you see, are copies of traditional Chinese designs, such as teapots and vases. Only they’re slightly tweaked: the pot has a chic, sleek new handle; the vase is decorated with hip, minimalist stripes. These “fakes” will be on view in a cheeky new exhibition that opens on March 9 in a Chinese shopping mall in Guangzhou. And all of the objects were made in Shenzhen, an area known for its copycat goods.
More about this topic please visit Smartplanet


【2013/03/11 經濟日報】








2013年3月5日 星期二

A Special Issue of Creativity and Innovation Management: Organizing Creativity: Creativity and Innovation under Constraints

Creativity & Innovation Management

  • The specific nature of constraints and their effects on creativity;
  • The effects of constraints on the various stages of the creative process;
  • The role of constraints in light of various aspects and interpretations of the creativity concept;
  • Exploration of the effects of constraints with regard to the specific nature of the task at hand;
  • Exploration into whether and how the impact of various facilitating factors differs from the impact of their negative twin, i.e. the constraining factors that indicate the absence of certain facilitating factors;
  • Exploration of interaction effects with regard to constraints, e.g. the interaction between individual-level and organizational constraints;
  • Exploration of the interplay of organizational constraints with business innovation and entrepreneurial action;
  • Study of the way constraints are dealt with by employees at different management levels, such as top, middle, and first-line management;
  • In-depth studies of the working of specific constraints in practice, e.g. power structure and politics, bureaucracy, workload pressure, time pressure, resource constraints, etc.;
  • Study of how groups and teams deal with organizational constraints;
  • Study of constraints under different models of organizational behaviour, such as autocratic, custodial, supportive, and collegial;
  • Study of constraints in projects and temporary organizations;
  • Study of constraints in different countries and cultures.

Deadline: 15 June 2013

This call aims to stimulate debate and discussion around the nature and dynamics of organizational creativity under constraints. This special issue invites submissions from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. In particular, we encourage submissions that address issues related (but not limited) to the following areas:

2013年3月4日 星期一

Evaluating the impact of TRIZ creativity training: an organizational field study

Creativity training is used by many organizations in an attempt to improve the innovativeness of their employees, yet there has been relatively little systematic evaluation carried out of the impact of such training. This study reports on the evaluation of the effectiveness of a theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ)-based creativity training program in a major international engineering firm. Cross-sectional, longitudinal and multisource evaluation strategies were used to assess the impact of the training on a sample of design engineers (n = 123) and to make comparisons with nontrainees (n = 96). Results indicate that participation in TRIZ training led to short-term improvements in both the creative problem-solving skills and motivation to innovate of engineers, and these were associated with longer term improvements in their idea suggestion in the workplace. There was variable support for the translation of these ideas into new innovations and improved performance at work as a result of the training. Theoretical and practical implications for enhancing the effectiveness of creativity training interventions are discussed.

Birdi, K., Leach, D. and Magadley, W. (2012), Evaluating the impact of TRIZ creativity training: an organizational field study. R&D Management, 42: 315–326. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9310.2012.00686.x

The influence of material resources on innovation projects: the role of resource elasticity

More (rather than fewer) material resources are thought to be the key driver in innovation project performance. Recent empirical evidence, however, suggests that the influence of material resource availability on innovation projects is not as simple and straightforwardly positive as it may seem. We build on the concept of an innovation project team's resource elasticity to disentangle the material resource–innovation output conundrum. This concept is analogous to the marketing concept of price elasticity and points to four types of innovation project teams based on their resource elasticity: In resource-elastic teams, the relationship between material resources and innovation outcomes is positive (hence, they are ‘resource driven’ when able to dispose of adequate material resources or ‘resource victims’ when lacking these material resources). In contrast, and as a significant departure from previous work, resource-inelastic teams show no or even a negative relationship between material resource adequacy and team performance (thus, the teams are ‘resourceful’ if they can perform with limited material resources or ‘resource burners’ if they show low success with adequate material resources). Because neither adequate nor inadequate material resources seem to be a reliable predictor of success, we synthesize empirical research efforts that point to each team type's key characteristics to derive novel implications for managing innovation projects.

Weiss, M., Hoegl, M. and Gibbert, M. (2013), The influence of material resources on innovation projects: the role of resource elasticity. R&D Management, 43: 151–161. doi: 10.1111/radm.12007

2013年3月2日 星期六



北京時間2月25日12時,好萊塢杜比劇院里,奧斯卡金像獎評獎委員會宣布,李安(Ang Lee)憑藉《少年派的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)獲得第85屆最佳導演獎。這是李安繼2006年憑藉《斷背山》(Brokeback Mountain)摘取當年的奧斯卡最佳導演獎桂冠之後,第二次獲此殊榮。除此之外,《少年派的奇幻漂流》還獲得了本屆的最佳攝影、最佳視覺效果和最佳配樂獎項。
