2013年12月27日 星期五

Understanding Work and Knowledge Management from a Knowledge-in-Practice Perspective

McIver, D., Lengnick-Hall, C. A., Lengnick-Hall, M. L., & Ramachandran, I. (2013). Understanding Work and Knowledge Management from a Knowledge-in-Practice Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 38(4), 597-620.


作者根據知識可學習程度的高低和知識隱性程度,區分四種實踐知識(knowledge in practice, KIP)類型,以及管理上的可能作為。

Q1 是比較結構化的知識,屬於基本技能(basic skills)。這些知識整體而言都可以從結構化學習過程當中獲得。

Q2 是累積型的資訊(accumulated information),相較於Q1的知識比較不容易學習。這要透過「努力再努力」才能獲得,亦即進行一萬個小時的學習(10,000 hours of study)。以公司的稅務審計為例,雖然知識已經被結構化,但這些實務知識不容易直接學習,必須經由大量實作的過程獲得知識。我的理解是服務業的SOP也是如此,SOP寫再多,如果員工沒有體驗還是效果不大。

Q3 我把他翻成眉角/訣竅的學習(apprenticed know-how),這些知識隱性程度高但卻容易學習,師徒制便是理想的學習管道。

Q4 的學習是藝術,是高度隱性且不容易學習。知識的學習會因著情境改變。這些知識不容易被移轉,必須仰賴「獨特的經驗」,從世界級的藝術家、運動員等人身上都可以看到。


2013年12月10日 星期二

The Beatles:Yesterday歌曲旋律的靈感來自夢中



據麥卡特尼憶述,歌曲旋律的靈感來自中,一覺醒來後他立即走到鋼琴前彈奏出來,並以錄音機記錄下來。[1]他詢問音樂界人士,確定旋律是原創的,並非他不經意抄襲他人,之後他便著手填詞;他曾以"Scrambled eggs, Oh, baby how I love your legs."(炒蛋,噢,寶貝我愛煞你的腿。)作為非正式歌詞。


《Let it Be》創作源自保羅數學不好?

欣傳媒 | 記者葉卉軒/台北報導

《Let it Be》,它的中文歌名被翻譯為「順其自然」,它收錄在英國搖滾天團The Beatles的第12張,同時也是最後一張專輯中。這首膾炙人口、經典傳唱的好歌,獨特之處,在於它彷彿有著少年維特煩惱,還有著一股濃濃的幽幽地「隨他而去」的感覺,而這也正是這首歌最引人共鳴之處。

不過,據了解《Let it Be》其實是The Beatles主唱兼貝斯手-保羅麥卡尼(Paul McCartney)最得意的作品。而保羅麥卡尼也曾在接受媒體訪問時透露,歌詞中出現的瑪莉亞(When i find myself in times of trouble,Mother mary comes to me,Speaking words of wisdom,let it be),指的正是他的母親,因為保羅麥卡尼小時候數學不好,每次碰到令他頭痛的數學題,母親總是會安慰他別太在意,順其自然就好。

只是,總常為小事吵架,感情不睦的披頭四,即便是到了這最後一張專輯,還是一樣吵吵鬧鬧的。且因為後來又重新出版了「Let it Be…naked」,這才讓人發現1970年大家所熟悉的版本,竟是約翰藍儂(John Lennon)的「私釀版」,他根本沒經過其他團員們的同意,私下就把母帶交給製作人菲爾史培柯特,完成了弦樂搭女聲的華麗版本。

原文網址: 欣音樂/《Let it Be》創作源自保羅數學不好? http://appnews.fanswong.com/show.php?id=349756#ixzz2n5sLljiv

2013年12月8日 星期日

The Beatles 的音樂創作故事:Hey Jude

《Hey Jude》是披頭四樂團成員保羅·麥卡尼創作的一首歌,於1968年發行。當時另一位成員約翰·藍儂與第一任妻子Cynthia離婚,一次麥卡尼探望藍儂兒子朱利安(Julian)母子,保羅·麥卡尼通過這首歌鼓勵朱利安勇敢面對現實。這首歌的原名是《Hey Julian》,為了唱起來順口,後來改為《Hey Jules》,最終變成《Hey Jude》。

《Hey Jude》原本收錄進同名專輯《The Beatles》(最終未收入此專輯),而是作為單曲發行(B面是藍儂創作的《Revolution》),並迅速成為了當年的冠軍單曲。《Hey Jude》原曲長7分11秒,後來又有了更短的版本,因為許多電台不願播放這麼長的歌曲。



2013年11月30日 星期六

骷顱與金鎖: 魏海敏的戲與人生


2013年11月1日 星期五



江振誠,一個台灣出生的法國料理廚師,在今年年初征服老饕味蕾,以自己法國名字為名的法國餐廳首次榮登全球前50名最佳餐廳。動畫電影《料理鼠王》曾有一段台詞,用來形容江振誠,再適合不過:“Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great.”(每個人都可以當廚師,但只有無所畏懼的人能料理出藝術。)



Steve Jobs 遺失的訪談

2013年10月30日 星期三



2013年10月29日 星期二


2012年我们在《麦肯锡季刊》刊登了《CEO中国创新指南》 一文,该文的讨论重点是中国能否成为创新大国,还是维持快速跟进国外领先业者的模式。实际上,这个问题在当时已显得过时,因为中国的企业已投身于创新,每一天,我们都看见拥有庞大产品研发体系的国内外业者在可再生能源、消费电子、即时通讯或是移动游戏等各个领域上演着创新。


更多內容請見 McKinsey & Co中文季刊

2013年10月21日 星期一

Enhancing positive affect and divergent thinking abilities: Play some music and dance

這是正向心理學刊(The Journal of Positive Psychology)最近刊登的一篇研究。讓自己好心情跟增加創造力的方法,就是輕鬆的跳支舞、聽首歌摟~

Enhancing positive affect and divergent thinking abilities: Play some music and dance

by Maxine Campion & Liat Levita 
Published online: 15 Oct 2013, The Journal of Positive Psychology

This study compares the effect of dance on affect and cognition to music or exercise, in a young, non-clinical population. Participants were asked to complete tests of mood and creativity before and after spending 5 min either listening to music, dancing, cycling or sitting quietly. Both dancing and passively listening to music enhanced positive affect, decreased negative affect and reduced feelings of fatigue. Cycling and sitting quietly had no effect on positive mood or feelings of fatigue. Moreover, dancing and passively listening to music had dissociable effects on different aspects of creativity, with greater change in positive affect being associated with greater enhancement in measures of verbal and non-verbal creativity, respectively. We suggest that these findings support the use of either short duration dancing or passively listening to music as potentially powerful tools in enhancing emotional well-being and different aspects of divergent thinking in non-clinical settings.

2013年10月19日 星期六





更多內容請連結至 科技報橘


相信大家都已體認出目前全世界都在搞【Creative Economy】(創意經濟或創意產業)。而創意產業是指那些從個人的創造力、技能和天分中獲取發展動力的企業,以及那些通過對知識產權的開發而創造出財富和就業機會的活動。泰國政府也是同樣,他們也進行這樣的經濟策略,並將這項長遠計劃命名為【Creative Thailand】(創意泰國)。


2013年10月13日 星期日

訪談 | 創作人在聽音樂




2013年8月6日 星期二

Creativity Awards: Great Expectations?


Mark Kilgoura, Sheila Sasser & Scott Koslow
Creativity Research Journal, 25 (2), 2013

Given the creativity inherent in advertising, one useful measure of creativity may be the advertising creativity award. Although creativity awards have been used by academics, agencies, and clients as indicators of exemplary creative work, there is surprisingly little research as to what creative elements they actually represent. Senior agency executives were selected to assess their own campaigns in terms of originality and strategy, and were also queried about whether those campaigns would win creativity, and effectiveness, awards. Findings show that the campaigns deemed worthy of creativity award recognition are usually highly original. Yet, most award-winning work is rarely regarded as being highly strategic. The results indicate that this originality bias contained in award-winning advertisements may limit their usefulness as proxy measures of creativity. Although the originality aspect of creativity is reflected, strategy and appropriateness are not adequately, nor proportionately considered. Implications for the use of creativity awards by researchers, as well as managerial issues, are discussed.

2013年8月3日 星期六

Gever Tulley 透過工匠教導人生的一課

Janet Echelman:重視想像力

Julie Taymor: Spider-Man, The Lion King and life on the creative edge

Beyond Individual Creativity: The Superadditive Benefits of Multicultural Experience for Collective Creativity in Culturally Diverse Teams

資料來源:Tadmor, Carmit, Patricia Satterstrom, Sujin Jang, and Jeffrey Polzer. "Beyond Individual Creativity: The Superadditive Benefits of Multicultural Experience for Collective Creativity in Culturally Diverse Teams." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43, no. 3 (April 2012): 384–392.

樊學良 / 整理


研究腦力激盪的學者,主張團隊對集體創意任務的潛在影響高於個人。每個人都能觸發他人不同的思想(mind)範疇(category),這些想法是無法輕易獲得的。每一個新穎的被引進的範疇(category),是新觀點的來源。是透過與既有思想範疇的結合,得以透過連續的反應(chain reaction),激發(spark)新的觀點,並因此有利於創造力。




2013年7月24日 星期三





茶博士啟蒙師 賴阿苗


2013年7月2日 星期二

Do You Work While You Eat?


本文改寫自HBR blog,原始資料請參考 HBR blog



If You Want to Motivate Someone, Shut Up Already / by Brandon Irwin

The finding: Words of encouragement do not inspire people to perform better during a workout.

The research: Brandon Irwin asked subjects in a lab to perform two sets of abdominal exercises called “planks.” Some people did both sets alone. Others did the first set alone and the second with a virtual partner who was expert at planks and was projected onto a screen. Half the partners were quiet, and half said things like “Come on,” “You can do it,” and “You got this.” The subjects who had partners all exercised longer during the second set than the subjects who were alone. But those with silent partners did planks 33% longer, while those with “encouraging” partners did them only 22% longer.


創造力 SSCI 期刊Impact Factor更新(2013年)

創造力SSCI期刊Impact Factor更新(2013年)

Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts:1.530

Creativity Research Journal: 1.162

Thinking Skills and Creativity:1.033

Journal of creative Behavior: 0.594


2013年6月23日 星期日


  1. Creativity post
  2. Idea Drunk :這個網站的內容都跟創造力有密接關連的文章,讀起來不吃力,舉的例子也非常新。
  3. 雲門舞集藝文充電站:可以從這得知藝文相關的資訊和專論。
  4. 賣點子:一個熱衷於蒐集全世界「創意」的網站。

2013年6月22日 星期六

2013 From love to Bingo in873


這是Getty Images的廣告,他被業界號稱是多媒體資料庫的amazon,專門代理、販售全球專業與非專業攝影師的上千萬張授權多媒體影音。這部一分鐘廣告影片,共選用了873張照片,也就是,一秒鐘有將近15張的照片,而為了這1分鐘的廣告片,花了六個月的時間來搜尋圖片。就這樣,他們展現了這個資料庫的實力。


2013年6月21日 星期五















2013年6月17日 星期一


作者:畢約克(Robert Bjork)/認知心理學家,加州大學洛杉磯分校(University Of California–Los Angeles)心理系名譽教授




2013年6月4日 星期二

Kirby Ferguson: 擁抱混搭(remix)



伊利諾大學香檳校區教授Ravi Mehta及其研究團隊,最近在Journal of Consumer Research的研究發現,這是因為個人受到背景聲音的影響,適度的聲音反而有利於創造力(moderate-noise was amplifying their creative output)。

關於這邊文章更多的內容請參考:The Creativity Post.

2013年5月29日 星期三

HP的車庫規則 Rules of the Garage


惠普的創辦人是兩位史丹佛大學的學生,大衛普克(David Packard)及威廉惠列(William Hewlett)。他們最有名的故事,便是當年他倆以矽谷帕洛亞圖市(Palo Alto)家中的車庫做基地,將惠普從無到有的建立起來,並成為舉世矚目的超級大企業集團。



傳說中惠普公司在矽谷辦公室的牆壁上,至今還懸掛著一幅『惠普風範(HP Way)』的海報。惠普精神同時也被叫做『車庫精神』。這張海報的背景,就是當年惠普創業時的簡陋車庫,如今已是矽谷的歷史古蹟,也代表著真正的矽谷成功精神。


車庫規則(Rules of the Garage)

1. 相信你可以改變世界。
2. 迅速工作,隨時工作,工具隨時待命。
3. 了解何時該獨思自主,何時該團隊合作。
4. 與同仁分享你的構想與工具,信任他們。
5. 不玩政治,杜絕官僚作風(這在車庫裡本就很可笑)。
6. 由客戶來決定你的工作是否做的很好。
7. 激進的創見不一定是餿主意。
8. 創造不同的工作方法。
9. 每天要有貢獻,如果你當天成果沒有貢獻,該成果必不離開車庫。
10. 相信團隊合作可以萬事皆成。
11. 發明創新。


2013年5月12日 星期日






2013年4月11日 星期四

論文摘要:Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in China

Phan, P., J. Zhou, et al. (2010). "Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in China." Management and Organization Review 6(2): 175-194.



1. 根據互動與多層次觀點描述創業的內涵。

2. 根據Gartner的定義,將創業定義為價值創造的歷程,這些活動包括了:opportunity recognition, resource acquisition and assembly, and implementation。因此,本文所指的創業,是指仰賴個人創造力、財務與技術等資源,以促進新的方法的發現與建立,用以組織生產的歷程,或產生新的組織形式。

3. 特刊所選的四篇文章,前兩篇探討關係對創業的影響,後兩篇為理論的測試。特刊介紹簡要的將這些文章區分成三個理論取向,並介紹這幾篇研究的貢獻為何。

The Systems Context of Entrepreneurship:Dollinger et al.’s (2010)
  • Shane and Venkataraman (2000) 主張契約理論、evolution theory,以及RBV並無法完全解釋new-to-the-world的企業如何產生。作者認為,那是因為在使用這些理論解釋創業的現象時,也必須考量該情境是否有相似的經濟與社會條件。 
  • Dollinger et al.’s (2010) 的文章運用了有趣的情境「超大型活動(mega-event):北京奧運」,主張驅動創新和創業的因素是仰賴從超大型活動背後所形成的新關係、聯盟,以及網絡。作者特別強調創業過程中所仰賴的關係資本,這些關係資本也意涵著重要的協商能力。 
The Organizational Context of Entrepreneurship
  • 過去有關創業的研究都在研究個人的特質,但個人是否能與環境「互動」並對創業產生影響則是文獻比較沒有討論的地方。 
  • 第一篇文章(Li, Lee, Li, and Liu, 2010) 解釋公司如何運用控制系統促進公司內生的創新(endogenous innovation)。Therefore, while employees’ basic grasp of a firm’s knowledge base is a necessary condition for exploitation, it is not sufficient for innovation. Counterintuitively, they find that the imposition of behaviour controls such as the formalization of work procedures and routines positively impacts the relationship between knowledge exploitation and innovation. 不過,其實在創造力的研究已經有類似的發現。Creativity leads to innovation when creative energies are directed in specific directions (Mumford et al., 1997)。 
第二篇文章,探討外部知識如何促進公司內生的產品創新(Li, Chen, and Shapiro, 2010)。他們探討公司從投資研發與行銷所產生的吸收能耐,能否促進公司內生的知識得利用。

The Social Context of Entrepreneurship(Guo and Miller, 2010)
  • 創業家的責任在於確認機會並實踐他們用以成立新公司。在這個過程當中,除了基本有利於創業的資源因素外,創業家也必須說服他人以獲得更多的資源,因此,創業家必須擴展他們的社會網絡。 
  • 這篇文章以關係的觀點切入進行研究,透過六個個案,發現:(1)guanxi networks vary in structure, governance, and content with the evolution of the entrepreneurial process;(2)the usefulness of guanxi depends on the stage of the entrepreneurial process and that information can be as valuable a currency of exchange as gifts and favours in knowledge intensive industries.

論文摘要:Where Do Creative Interactions Come From? The Role of Tie Content and Social Networks

Sosa, M. E. (2011). Where Do Creative Interactions Come From? The Role of Tie Content and Social Networks. Organization Science, 22(1), 1-21.

  • 研究背景與研究問題 

(1) 為了有效管理組織的創新歷程,過往研究強調理解創造力的重要性(Amabile, 1996)。有關創造力的文獻,主要集中在探討促進個人、團隊,或組織創造力的因素(Sternberg 1999),然而在對偶(dyad)的層次上,則是文獻較未討論的部分。

(2) 縱使創造力學者也認為創造力(新穎或有用觀點的產生),通常也產生於社會(social)活動的過程中(Perry-Smith & Shalley 2003)。個人、兩人或團隊,產生的潛在創意的觀點,必須經由內部的評估,之後並接受社群的審查與選擇(Csikszentmihalyi 1988, 1996)。

(3) 本研究運用知識異質(knowledge diversity)、關係聯繫強度(tie strength),以及網絡結構(network structure)等三個理論,探討「在什麼情況下,透過兩人互動有利於新穎和有用觀點的產生?」

(4) 作者將創造力定義為:「創造者產生潛在的創意或想法的行動(act)」(Amabile, 2005)。

  • 文獻缺口 

1. 在創造力研究當中,經常從Person的觀點,探討影響個人創意產生的因素:Person à Creativity。本文則認為,個人所擁有的網絡結構關係,也會影響他們產生創意的能力:Person (network ability) à Creativity

2. 主要貢獻:挑戰過去關於強聯繫和弱聯繫的觀點(過去文獻主要在於強調弱聯繫有助於創意的產生,在Baer, 2010的研究中,主張要將弱聯繫區分為強度與規模),作者認為強聯繫和弱聯繫均有助於創意的產生,弱聯繫會促進個人的創造力,而異質(diverse)和強聯繫則有助於新觀點的產生(generation of creative ideas)。

  • 研究發現 

(1)從知識的觀點來看,關係聯繫能傳遞較廣的知識領域(knowledge domain),這樣的方式有利於創意的產生,如果這樣的交換關係頻繁。

(2)從社會的觀點,強聯繫在創意觀點的產生上扮演了有效的催化劑(catalysts),當行動者之間是因著內在動機而建立密切的合作關係(intrinsically motivated to work closely together.)。

(3)雙元結構的凝聚力(dyadic network cohesion)並不一定會抑制創意觀點的產生,當凝聚力超越平均水準以後,他才會不利於新觀點的產生。
  • 理論基礎 

產品相關的互動(product-related interactions):技術資訊來源的移轉,或者是上游資訊擁有者傳遞資訊以及下游接收者接受資訊,並討論產品或新技術發展相關事務的歷程,用於發展新產品或新科技(Reagans and McEvily 2003)。本研究從接收者觀點探討雙元互動的關係,作者認為創意互動來自於接受者較有可能經由獲得傳遞者得資訊後,產生潛在新穎和有用的新觀點。

資訊處理的歷程(傳遞者與接收者的互動):接收者從資源處獲得知識並處理之,並且經由互動實現這些知識的潛在價值。有關知識處理的歷程(創意的產生與創意的評估與選擇),創造力學者已從認知心理學的觀點討論很多。當接收者評估這些經由互動所產生的新觀點的時候,他便較比較能夠瞭解這些新觀點的新穎和有用性。在Simonton (1988, 1999)創意評估的觀點,以及Csikszentmihalyi (1996)的系統理論中也有類似的解釋。

  • 研究假設 

1.Cognitive variation in the generation of creative ideas (Campbell 1960, Simonton 1988):觀點的差異越大,觀點的新穎和有用的程度會越高,因此,知識的異質程度越高,越有利於創意的產生。

H1. The breadth of distinct knowledge domains acquired through a dyadic relationship is positively associated with the generation of creative ideas.

2.雖然知識異質有利於創意的產生,但是根據Amabile的創造力三成分理論,如果行動者之間缺乏動機或缺乏促進的因素時(motivational and supportive attributes ),當他們的密切程度降低時,便不利於創意的產生。

H2. The strength of a dyadic relationship (to the extent that it captures the work-related closeness of the interacting actors)is positively associated with the generation of creative ideas.

3.Tie strength and knowledge overlapàwork related closeness

過去文獻通常從「結構」觀點出發,主張弱聯繫有利於創造力,透過異質互動,這些結構上的特質有利於強化創造力相關的技能(譬如創意思考的技能),而密切的關係比較有可能支持提供創意的產生(Torrance, 1970),譬如正向的情感、倡議行為的動機、正向的情緒等。


H3. The relationship between the generation of creative ideas and network cohesion is characterized by a concave function; that is, increasing network cohesion favors the generation of creative ideas for low levels of network cohesion, whereas increasing network cohesion hinders the generation of creative ideas for high levels of network cohesion.

2013年3月12日 星期二


正向心理學已是一個獨立的學門且有專門以研究正向心理學為主的社群。在美國管理學會OB領域中,就包含了正向心理學的TRACK,美國心理學會(APA)第17分會(division 17)也是以研究正向心理學為主。

目前有三本與正向心理學相關的期刊,包括:Journal of Happiness StudiesJournal of Positive Psychology,以及Psychology of Well-Being,前兩本期刊已被收錄於SSCI資料庫。在 2010年,「journal Journal of Happiness Studies」的 Impact Factor是2.104,在心理學120本期刊中排名第20。

2013年3月11日 星期一

What’s The Roadmap For Innovation In China?

China’s Four Great Inventions--papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing--were innovations from bygone eras. When looking at China’s history over the past 50 years, it’s very difficult to find a single innovation that has made a significant impact on the world. Instead, the “Chinese version of something Western” phenomenon has characterized much of China’s recent product launches. For example, Taobao.com is essentially the Chinese version of eBay, and Youku.com is the Chinese version of YouTube.
Whether China can shed its copycat reputation and become a source of global innovation has become a constant source of debate. While the country’s economy has been growing at an astonishing rate, with an increasingly sophisticated domestic market, the country’s highly centralized government and weak intellectual property system have severely hampered China’s standing as a global innovator. It may be too simplistic to assume that the notion of innovation is understood, standardized, and commonly defined across the world. China is considered the world’s largest developing market, displaying characteristics of other emerging markets as well as its own wholly unique notions of success. The simple concept of innovation is very nuanced in China and can be deeply understood only by listening to Chinese consumers and analyzing what has and hasn’t worked in the marketplace thus far.
More about this topic please visit Fastcodesign.com

China, America, and Copycat Economics

by Rob Wheeler  |   9:14 AM August 23, 2011

In the second quarter of 2011, China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth slowed to 9.5%. That was down from 9.7% in the previous quarter and from its blistering 11.9% pace in the first quarter of 2010. From the vantage point of many in the United States, where optimistic estimates of GDP growth continue to be cut and now hover around 2%, it seems that the Chinese "problem" is a nice one to have.
In the same vein, from my perch in the classrooms of Harvard Business School during the past two years, I listened to the world's future business leaders talk about how China has nailed it and why, if we want a future as bright as our past, America needs to follow suit. I heard people from all over the world arguing that the US government needs to grab the bull by horns, insert itself much more aggressively in economic planning, and start directing American economic resources to "new growth industries" such as clean energy, high-tech manufacturing, or advanced healthcare solutions. Otherwise, their foreboding comments always ended, we will be left behind.
More about this topic please visit HBR Blog

To explore copying as an innovation strategy, designers look to China

Imagine tweaking the old saying “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” to “imitation is a sincere form of innovation.”
This is the attitude behind a set of 26 new objects created by the witty Dutch design collective Droog. Each of the objects, you see, are copies of traditional Chinese designs, such as teapots and vases. Only they’re slightly tweaked: the pot has a chic, sleek new handle; the vase is decorated with hip, minimalist stripes. These “fakes” will be on view in a cheeky new exhibition that opens on March 9 in a Chinese shopping mall in Guangzhou. And all of the objects were made in Shenzhen, an area known for its copycat goods.
More about this topic please visit Smartplanet


【2013/03/11 經濟日報】








2013年3月5日 星期二

A Special Issue of Creativity and Innovation Management: Organizing Creativity: Creativity and Innovation under Constraints

Creativity & Innovation Management

  • The specific nature of constraints and their effects on creativity;
  • The effects of constraints on the various stages of the creative process;
  • The role of constraints in light of various aspects and interpretations of the creativity concept;
  • Exploration of the effects of constraints with regard to the specific nature of the task at hand;
  • Exploration into whether and how the impact of various facilitating factors differs from the impact of their negative twin, i.e. the constraining factors that indicate the absence of certain facilitating factors;
  • Exploration of interaction effects with regard to constraints, e.g. the interaction between individual-level and organizational constraints;
  • Exploration of the interplay of organizational constraints with business innovation and entrepreneurial action;
  • Study of the way constraints are dealt with by employees at different management levels, such as top, middle, and first-line management;
  • In-depth studies of the working of specific constraints in practice, e.g. power structure and politics, bureaucracy, workload pressure, time pressure, resource constraints, etc.;
  • Study of how groups and teams deal with organizational constraints;
  • Study of constraints under different models of organizational behaviour, such as autocratic, custodial, supportive, and collegial;
  • Study of constraints in projects and temporary organizations;
  • Study of constraints in different countries and cultures.

Deadline: 15 June 2013

This call aims to stimulate debate and discussion around the nature and dynamics of organizational creativity under constraints. This special issue invites submissions from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. In particular, we encourage submissions that address issues related (but not limited) to the following areas:

2013年3月4日 星期一

Evaluating the impact of TRIZ creativity training: an organizational field study

Creativity training is used by many organizations in an attempt to improve the innovativeness of their employees, yet there has been relatively little systematic evaluation carried out of the impact of such training. This study reports on the evaluation of the effectiveness of a theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ)-based creativity training program in a major international engineering firm. Cross-sectional, longitudinal and multisource evaluation strategies were used to assess the impact of the training on a sample of design engineers (n = 123) and to make comparisons with nontrainees (n = 96). Results indicate that participation in TRIZ training led to short-term improvements in both the creative problem-solving skills and motivation to innovate of engineers, and these were associated with longer term improvements in their idea suggestion in the workplace. There was variable support for the translation of these ideas into new innovations and improved performance at work as a result of the training. Theoretical and practical implications for enhancing the effectiveness of creativity training interventions are discussed.

Birdi, K., Leach, D. and Magadley, W. (2012), Evaluating the impact of TRIZ creativity training: an organizational field study. R&D Management, 42: 315–326. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9310.2012.00686.x

The influence of material resources on innovation projects: the role of resource elasticity

More (rather than fewer) material resources are thought to be the key driver in innovation project performance. Recent empirical evidence, however, suggests that the influence of material resource availability on innovation projects is not as simple and straightforwardly positive as it may seem. We build on the concept of an innovation project team's resource elasticity to disentangle the material resource–innovation output conundrum. This concept is analogous to the marketing concept of price elasticity and points to four types of innovation project teams based on their resource elasticity: In resource-elastic teams, the relationship between material resources and innovation outcomes is positive (hence, they are ‘resource driven’ when able to dispose of adequate material resources or ‘resource victims’ when lacking these material resources). In contrast, and as a significant departure from previous work, resource-inelastic teams show no or even a negative relationship between material resource adequacy and team performance (thus, the teams are ‘resourceful’ if they can perform with limited material resources or ‘resource burners’ if they show low success with adequate material resources). Because neither adequate nor inadequate material resources seem to be a reliable predictor of success, we synthesize empirical research efforts that point to each team type's key characteristics to derive novel implications for managing innovation projects.

Weiss, M., Hoegl, M. and Gibbert, M. (2013), The influence of material resources on innovation projects: the role of resource elasticity. R&D Management, 43: 151–161. doi: 10.1111/radm.12007

2013年3月2日 星期六



北京時間2月25日12時,好萊塢杜比劇院里,奧斯卡金像獎評獎委員會宣布,李安(Ang Lee)憑藉《少年派的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)獲得第85屆最佳導演獎。這是李安繼2006年憑藉《斷背山》(Brokeback Mountain)摘取當年的奧斯卡最佳導演獎桂冠之後,第二次獲此殊榮。除此之外,《少年派的奇幻漂流》還獲得了本屆的最佳攝影、最佳視覺效果和最佳配樂獎項。


2013年2月21日 星期四

The Hidden Barriers to Innovation

Given that, according to a recent innovation study, only 7% of companies are considered innovation leaders[1], what is stopping them? The latest research by IESE professors Carlos Garcia Pont and Paulo Rocha e Oliveira helps you spot if your company is under threat of stagnation by identifying the hidden obstacles preventing innovation – and how to overcome them.

More about this topic please visit FORBES

2013年2月18日 星期一

Why Great Ideas Get Rejected

By David Burkus, a professor of management at Oral Roberts University

Have you ever debuted an exciting new idea to the world only to receive a lukewarm or even highly critical response? Well, get used to it. Mounting evidence shows that we all possess an inherent bias against creativity. The good news is there's something we can do about it.

More information about this topic please link to "99u.com"